by Paragon | Apr 27, 2018 | Blog
Computer Tips Our tips today involve computer displays. Tip #1 Reset Browser Zoom To Quickly reset the zoom on your browser, try one of these three solutions: “Control” (or “Command” on Mac) plus “0” resets it to default...
by Paragon | Feb 8, 2018 | Blog, Security
Website Optimization It is time to upgrade websites from http to secure https! My hosting clients can benefit from a new cPanel upgrade that will make installing an SSL certificate painless. Let me know if you would like more information! Why is this important? ...
by Paragon | Jan 30, 2018 | Blog
Website Tip I love Yoast SEO. I admit it, it makes my job a whole lot easier and turns the difficult task of improving SEO on a page into something that pretty much anyone can do. Simply write the post with content that is targeted for the desired phrases or...
by Paragon | Jan 4, 2018 | Blog, Security
Security Alert Important Security News On January 3, 2018, Google Project Zero announced two security flaws in CPU architecture that affect Intel and other CPUs. The vulnerabilities are called Meltdown and Spectre. This could impact cloud services, CPU performance,...
by Paragon | Jan 3, 2018 | Blog
Computer Tip If you want to reopen a tab you just closed, press “Ctrl” (or “Cmd” on Mac) + Shift +T and it will reappear. ← Aggressive WP Brute Force Attack Campaign CPU Vulnerabilities → We can help with your technology. Call Paragon...
by Paragon | Dec 18, 2017 | Blog, Security
Security Alert Our friends at Defiant posted this important notice about the largest brute force attack in history happening today. They suggest the following steps if you have a WordPress site: – Install a firewall like Wordfence that intelligently blocks...